DonorConnect’s public relations department provides timely, accurate, and compelling information associated with the donation and transplant community. We help advocate the mission of DonorConnect and serve the needs of local and national media outlets with background information, facts and statistics, and stories to inform a wide variety of constituents, stakeholders, and publics. Be sure to visit The Newsroom, which provides access to DonorConnect’s library of stories, and contact information if you need to reach a media relations representative of DonorConnect.
We’ll respond to all media inquiries as soon as possible
Members of the news media may choose to access DonorConnect's multimedia resources, including video assets, photos, logos and fact sheets, for story development.
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
Video #4
We kindly request that media covering donation and transplantation stories consider using the following terminology out of respect to donor heroes and their loved ones and to describe the lifesaving donation and transplantation process most accurately.